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AnyMap - HTML5 maps

Interactive JavaScript map charts with drilldown, routes, and more — for web, desktop, and mobile apps

AnyMap, our JavaScript HTML5 solution, is used by 1,000’s of customers worldwide in a multitude of applications, including Weather Forecasting, Crisis (Situational) Management, Energy Management, and Election Results Reporting to name a few.

AnyMap is ideal for interactive dashboards and side-by-side reporting. Our JavaScript(HTML5) mapping solution will help you to build interactive maps and display them in any browser on any platform. AnyMap is useful when you need to display sales by region, election results, population density or any other information related to geographic area.

Our JS maps are perfectly compatible with other AnyChart products, it can be used as part of the dashboard as good as standalone map visualization solution.

AnyMap comes with ready to use Maps Collection which you can use at no additional cost. With 100’s of maps already available and our conversion tool technology, we can help you get up and running quickly!

Check out what you can do using AnyMap along with AnyChart

Why AnyChart?

Works all around the world: on all devices and browsers - AnyСhart products works on Windows PCs, Apple Macs, iPhones, iPads, Android devices, our JavaScript charts work everywhere, including IE 6.
Easy to Use - AnyChart charts can be configured manually or automated using server side scripts.
Driven by the state of the art Java Script API - AnyChart JavaScript API offers you a variety of options, everything in AnyChart is customizable and can be changed (JS API, XML or JSON).
Compatible with virtually all scripting languages (ASP, PHP, ColdFusion, Perl, etc.) - Use any language you like to create data source and pass it to a JavaScript code on your page, or simply use an XML/CSV/JSON file from your server.
No installation - your server does not need to render any image, there is no need for any Active-X or servlet, all graphing happens on the client side. 99% of Internet-users use JavaScript enabled browsers.
Constantly growing number of supported chart types - Pie, Bar, Line, Candlestick, Area, Column, Spline, Dot/Marker, Scatter, Doughnut and we are adding new types regularly.
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