Column Charts are one of the most popular chart types. It is used to show how a value changes depending on a variable, which can be continuous or not. A stacked chart type helps to demonstrate that all values of several series together form a whole.
This chart has four series, each representing a state: Florida, Texas, Arizona and Nevada. A company has distributed cosmetics in those states, and there is top ten products profit shown. Some products went less successful than others and got negative profit. Nevertheless, all profit together make a whole profit for each cosmetic product, which is demonstrated by setting this chart in a stacked type. According to the chart, the maximum profit was gained in Florida for powder ($11861) and eyebrow pencils have the highest negative profit: $12986 below zero in Texas, Nevada and Arizona in common. As usual, X-Axis holds the categories - the product names, and Y-Axis demonstrates the range of values from -$25000 to $50000. Grid on the chart is enabled, making it easier to watch the values.