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AnyChart products adhere to the accessibility industry best practices, Section 508, W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative.
Section 508 Accessibility Compliance

The following table follows The Voluntary Product Accessibility Template® to provide information on how AnyChart products comply with the accessibility requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.

Criteria Supporting Features
(a) A text equivalent for every non-text element shall be provided (e.g., via “alt”, “longdesc”, or in element content). All charts produced by AnyChart add an “aria-label” for all elements of the chart that need identification, “aria-label” is a standard way for screen readers to undestand and narrate non-textual information. “aria-label” content is automatically created by default, if needed it can be customized.
AnyChart also have an option to replace or enrich a chart with a visible or invisible screen reader accessible table.
All information about AnyChart accesibility functionality is available in AnyChart Documentation: Accessibility and Section 508 Compliance.
(b) Equivalent alternatives for any multimedia presentation shall be synchronized with the presentation. AnyChart products do not display any multimedia presentations and therefore do not require alternatives synchronized with the presentation.
(c) Web pages shall be designed so that all information conveyed with color is also available without color, for example from context or markup. AnyChart products provide theme functionality, including high-contrast themes. AnyChart allows to substitute colors with patterned fills, dotted and dashed lines, variable fill opacity, etc.
Software developer who implements charts with AnyChart is in full control of the way how colors are used.
(d) Documents shall be organized so they are readable without requiring an associated style sheet. AnyChart products use CSS in a limited way which does not affect core functionality, all charts and visualization produced by AnyChart are readable without requiring an associated style sheet.
(e) Redundant text links shall be provided for each active region of a server-side image map. AnyChart products do not use client-side image maps.
(f) Client-side image maps shall be provided instead of server-side image maps except where the regions cannot be defined with an available geometric shape. AnyChart products do not use client-side image maps.
(g) Row and column headers shall be identified for data tables. AnyChart accessibility feature allows to present charts as HTML-tables. These tables may be either visible to everyone, visible to to screen-readers only, or exported. These tables contain all HTML features for rows and columns, they contain <caption>, <thead>, and <tbody> tags.
(h) Markup shall be used to associate data cells and header cells for data tables that have two or more logical levels of row or column headers. AnyChart products do not generate tables with two or more logical levels of row or column headers
(i) Frames shall be titled with text that facilitates frame identification and navigation. AnyChart products do not use frames.
(j) Pages shall be designed to avoid causing the screen to flicker with a frequency greater than 2 Hz and lower than 55 Hz. AnyChart products have optional animations in of some elements, any animation can be disabled. Even when animation is enabled, it is done in browser, which is responsible of refresh time. None of AnyChart products have any functionality that could cause the screen to flicker.
(k) A text-only page, with equivalent information or functionality, shall be provided to make a web site comply with the provisions of this part, when compliance cannot be accomplished in any other way. The content of the text-only page shall be updated whenever the primary page changes. AnyChart products allow users to build visual and interactive data visualizations. All charts and images produced by AnyChart products are designed to be fully accessible. AnyChart provides software developers a way to properly update text pages whenever chart changes.
(l) When pages utilize scripting languages to display content, or to create interface elements, the information provided by the script shall be identified with functional text that can be read by Assistive Technology. All uniquely-identifiable elements have an “aria-label” attached by default, all labels can be customized when a chart is created.
(m) When a web page requires that an applet, plug-in or other application be present on the client system to interpret page content, the page must provide a link to a plug-in or applet that complies with §1194.21(a) through (l). AnyChart products do not require applets, plug-ins, applications or any other external resource.
(n) When electronic forms are designed to be completed on-line, the form shall allow people using Assistive Technology to access the information, field elements, and functionality required for completion and submission of the form, including all directions and cues. AnyChart products do not require users to complete electronic forms on-line.
(o) A method shall be provided that permits users to skip repetitive navigation links. Supported. tabIndex can be set for all UI Elements using СSS.
(p) When a timed response is required, the user shall be alerted and given sufficient time to indicate more time is required. Not applicable
There are no functionality in AnyChart products that may require a timed response.

Implementation Guide

To learn how exactly AnyChart implements accessibility features please see AnyChart Documentation: Accessibility and Section 508 Compliance.