Dashboard is a set of interconnected charts, created in situations when different information about a complex subject or a situation is shown. Dashboard can contain as many charts (of the same or different types) as necessary. This dashboard describes the ACME Corporation Sales details in a period of fourteen years.
The data is being shown using three types of charts: Column Chart, Stacked Column Chart and Pie chart. The first Column chart describes annual income of the ACME Corp. This chart is interactive: clicking years columns changes the data in the Stacked Column chart and in the Pie chart. When the year is selected, it is marked with a “star” marker of gold color, making obvious what data we are looking at. The second chart tells us what are monthly sales and income in form of a Stacked Column chart. The data shown on this chart depends on the selected column in the first chart: each column of the monthly profit chart is divided into two stacked parts, light blue representing the revenue and dark blue - gross profit. Pie chart shows product position volume breakdown, each position has its own color, making it easier to understand the information.