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AnyChart Ionic Integration

This example shows how to use AnyChart with Ionic Framework projects and Angular 4.
View on GitHub

Getting started

To run this sample:

Clone the repository from github.com:

$ git clone git@github.com:anychart-integrations/anychart-angular-ionic.git

Navigate to the repository folder:

$ cd anychart-angular-ionic

Install Ionic framework (see Ionic installation guide if needed):

npm install -g cordova ionic

Install all project requirements:

npm install

Now the demo can be launched in a browser:

ionic serve

Mobile Apps

To run the the mobile applications on emulators, please:

  • Add a required platform:

    ionic cordova platform add android
    ionic cordova platform add ios
  • Run the emulator:

    ionic cordova run android
    ionic cordova run ios

To compile mobile applications, please follow Ionic Deploying Guide:

  • Add a required platform:

    ionic cordova platform add android
    ionic cordova platform add ios
  • Build debug or release apps:

    ionic cordova build android --prod --release --device
    ionic cordova build ios --prod --release --device

Further Learning


AnyChart Ionic integration integration sample includes two parts:

  • Code of the integration sample that allows to use Javascript library (in this case, AnyChart) with Ionic Framework. You can use, edit, modify it, use it with other Javascript libraries without any restrictions. It is released under Apache 2.0 License.
  • AnyChart JavaScript library. It is released under Commercial license. You can test this plugin with the trial version of AnyChart. Our trial version is not limited by time and doesn't contain any feature limitations. Check details here.

If you have any questions regarding licensing - please contact us. sales@anychart.com