All Column Charts look similar: several columns distributed along the X-Axis with categories of the height that matches the corresponding value of the vertical axis. This is a good tool to show the dependency of one value on another. Making a chart three-dimensional leads to no more than visual changes.
On this chart you can see 10 categories on the X-Axis representing 10 cosmetic products which sales are analyzed. There are two series that stand for the regions where the sales were made - Florida and Texas. The columns represent revenue from those sales. The maximum revenue reached the $22998 point for lip gloss in Florida. The Y-Axis range of values is from 0 to $25,000. Using the xPointPosition() method make the columns to overlap each other. This setting can be useful in some situations, e.g. when there is a lot of data and it is necessary to place a lot of columns on the chart. The tooltips give the main information about each point; the name of the product, the state and the money amount.