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خرائط AnyMap - HTML5

هو حل JavaScript (HTML5)، لإنشاء خرائط تفاعلية مع بيانات متعلقة بالمنطقة الجغرافية.

The very first version of AnyChart hit the shelves more than 10 years ago, check out what our products went through and see what's new in the most recent update.

Version 7.x History


  • Fixed issues with xScale/yScale setting in typescript based projects
  • Fixed rendering bugs in IE 6-8
  • Rework CSV export
Google Spreadsheets data loader} | Robust JavaScript/HTML5 charts | AnyChart
Google Spreadsheets data loader
Google Spreadsheets is an excellent popular data source. And now our Data Adapter is equipped with the capabilities to load data from there. Feel free to make good use of the Google Spreadsheets data loader, and please note: data may be taken from publicly shared documents only.

Bug fixes:

  • DVF-3014 Fixed tooltips formatting issues
  • TS-32, TS-49 Fixed issues with import in Aurelia and Angular 2 frameworks
  • TS-77 Fixed error with rendering rotated text in IE8
  • TS-55 Fixed error occurred in case of the same coordinate in connector series

API changes:

MethodUse instead
Angular 2 plugin} | Robust JavaScript/HTML5 charts | AnyChart
Angular 2 plugin
We are happy to announce the release of the AngularJS v2.x directives for AnyChart.

Zoom controls:

Zoom controls are now available, please take a look at docs article and gallery samples.

Labels improvement:

One of the biggest topic of this release is Labels Improvement, we have done a great job to make the work with the component more convenient and intuitive.
  • Data labels settings for all chart series now can be set using single method chart.labels
  • Context object for all formatting functions is now unified, see anychart.format.Context for details.

Typescript support:

Now you can use AnyChart in your TypeScript projects — we have definition file for our library which you can find in distribution folder.

Bug fixes:

  • DVF-1747 — Map legend issues fixed.
  • DVF-2323 — Map drilling issues fixed.
  • DVF-2228 — Issues with map bounds fixed.
  • TS-19 — Fixed issues with AnyChart Fonts.
AnyChart in Now Open} | Robust JavaScript/HTML5 charts | AnyChart
AnyChart in Now Open
Reliability has always been our company's first priority. And you definitely know you can trust us, with our public roadmaps, consistent releases, and highly experienced Quality Assurance team. Today we are glad to tell you about another major step that we have just taken in this regard: AnyChart is now open! Basically, it means the following:
  • The Source code of our product is available for review and download on GitHub.
  • The public issues tracker is open to all who are ready to help us further improve our product.
  • Public Build scripts allow you to compile custom binaries with the chart types you need.
  • The open brancheslist demonstrates our development cycle and proves you can trust us.
Plugins} | Robust JavaScript/HTML5 charts | AnyChart
Compatibility with popular frameworks and libraries for creating web applications and services has always been very important to us. That is why the current release features special plugins for popular solutions: Angular, React, Ember, Meteor, NodeJS, jQuery.
Sharing} | Robust JavaScript/HTML5 charts | AnyChart
Now any chart can be shared on social networks with the help of the context menu. Properties specific to a particular social network can be set in the exports namespace.
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
Legend} | Robust JavaScript/HTML5 charts | AnyChart
In this release, we are glad to present several major legend features.
  • The itemsLayout() now supports new options that allow you to improve the legend's visual appearance, especially when multiple series are shown on a chart.
  • The legend can now be placed inside a data plot (the positionMode() method) to facilitate a more efficient use of space on a chart.
  • The drag() method is a pleasant addition to the preceding two features. It allows you to easily change the chart legend's position by simply dragging it throughout a chart.

Bug fixes:

  • DVF-1747 — Map legend issues fixed.
  • DVF-2323 — Map drilling issues fixed.
  • DVF-2228 — Issues with map bounds fixed.
  • SUP-706 Issue with legend marker in Column chart fixed.
  • SUP-711 Issue with memory leak in StockChart fixed.
  • DVF-1397 Fixed issue with title positioning.
  • DVF-1829 Legend item issues fixed.
  • DVF-2274 Legend sizing issue fixed.
  • DVF-1449 Fixed issues with shared legend.
  • DVF-2606 Legend item issue fixed.
  • DVF-2318 Issues with series unhovering fixed.
  • DVF-1746 Various minor legend issues fixed.
  • DVF-2619 Downloading logo.png issues fixed.
  • DVF-2637 Default timezone settings fixed.
Localization Support} | Robust JavaScript/HTML5 charts | AnyChart
Localization Support
One of the main news of this release: support of localization using locale settings files and special formatting functions. You can switch between 196 different regional settings , and all date/time chart elements update themselves.
Map Grid (Meridians and Parallels)} | Robust JavaScript/HTML5 charts | AnyChart
Map Grid (Meridians and Parallels)
Showing meridians and parallels on a map greatly improves its design and provides a clear view in visualizations where latitude and longitude do matter.
Map Axes} | Robust JavaScript/HTML5 charts | AnyChart
Map Axes
Map axes with latitude and longitude labels complement map grid showing meridians and parallels on a map. Geo Scale that controls Map Axes and grid allows to fine-tune the display and achieve a great variety of looks and feels for map visualizations.
Map Crosshair} | Robust JavaScript/HTML5 charts | AnyChart
Map Crosshair
Map Crosshair is a visual position tracking element, especially useful in exploratory data analysis visualizations. It works nicely in conjunction with Map Grid and Map Axes.


  • DVF-2119 — Legend width/height behavior improved.
  • DVF-2362 — Scatter Series behaviour made consistent with other series.
  • DVF-2261 — Credits behaviour improved.
  • DVF-2346 — appendTheme() method added for easier management of themes.
  • DVF-2079 — Beta version of the Data Adapter Module added for easier management of external files.
  • DVF-2307 — Export Server can now return images as base64 strings or as shareable links.

Bug fixes:

  • DVF-2352 — XML Schema validity problems fixed.
  • DVF-2360 — Various minor Export Server issues fixed.
  • DVF-2358 — Various minor Interactivity issues fixed.
  • DVF-2376 — Inconsistent zIndex behaviour fixed.
  • DVF-2338 — Various XML serialization/deserialization fixed.
  • DVF-2337 — Various JSON serialization/deserialization fixed.
  • DVF-2327 — toXML() deserialization method no longer adds unnecessary data into XML.
  • DVF-1865 — remove() method problems fixed.
Seat Maps} | Robust JavaScript/HTML5 charts | AnyChart
Seat Maps
Seat Maps is a new feature based on SVG Vector images, which simplifies the process of building interactive Airplane Seating Charts, Opera and Cinema Plans, or any other types of seat maps. It is also suitable for building interactive schemes of parks, malls, or virtually any other entities you can put into an SVG image.
Map Label Positioning Improvements} | Robust JavaScript/HTML5 charts | AnyChart
Map Label Positioning Improvements
We have added a lot of features to improve visual appearance of geographical maps. Learn more about Map Label Positioning Improvements >>
TopoJSON format support} | Robust JavaScript/HTML5 charts | AnyChart
TopoJSON format support
AnyMap now supports loading Geo Data in TopoJSON format. Geographical data files in TopoJSON format are much smaller (up to 10 times), so using TopoJSON instead of GeoJSON allows to reduce map rendering and page loading time.
Ability to use SVG Images as Geo Data} | Robust JavaScript/HTML5 charts | AnyChart
Ability to use SVG Images as Geo Data
AnyMap now supports loading Geo Data in SVG format. When GeoJSON and TopoJSON are not enough, you can turn to SVG and use it as a source of geographical data. This format may be quite useful if you want to edit a map in a simple vector editor or to create a map of an imaginary place, a road map, or a map with rivers or custom labels.

Bug fixes:

  • DVF-2243 — Fixed tooltip failed to be shown on mobile devices
  • DVF-2245 — Fixed wrong name for Xinjiang region map.
  • DVF-2265 — Fixed crashing in some circumstances when using a getDrilldownPath() in Maps.
  • DVF-2266 — Fixed World map meta data for Cyprus U.N. Buffer Zone, N. Cyprus, Kosovo, and Somaliland.

Bug fixes:

  • DVF-2170 — Solved compatibility issues between AnyChart UI and other AnyChart products.
  • DVF-2017 — Solved compatibility issues with old versions of ExtJS (3.4 and less).
Dot (Points) Map} | Robust JavaScript/HTML5 charts | AnyChart
Dot (Points) Map
The Dot (Points) Map series type was added to AnyMap. It has the widest application range: showing cities, points of interest, events, creating density maps, and more. In the Dot Distribution Map (also known as Dot Density Map), a dot symbol shows the presence of a feature or phenomenon. Dot maps rely on visual scatters to demonstrate spatial patterns. With AnyMap, you can work with any of predefined marker types , code your own type, or use an image.
Points Connections Map} | Robust JavaScript/HTML5 charts | AnyChart
Points Connections Map
The Point Connections Map series type was added to AnyMap. Points Connections Map can be used used to create Flight Maps, Route Maps, Demarcation Boundaries Map and in many other cases.
Drill Down Feature} | Robust JavaScript/HTML5 charts | AnyChart
Drill Down Feature
Now you can change detalization level using the Drill Down feature. Source map settings can be preserved when you drill down, or completely reset if needed.
Common Maps Projections} | Robust JavaScript/HTML5 charts | AnyChart
Common Maps Projections
Now you can show any map in one of the following projections: Aitoff, August, Bonne, Eckert1, Eckert3, Equirectangular, Fahey, Hammer, Mercator, Orthographic, Robinson, Wagner6, Wsg84, Please be careful when you change the projection — be aware of how map projections work and when it is appropriate to use them.

Bug fixes:

  • DVF-1975 — Solved issues with transformation from clientX/clientY to Lat/Long coordinates.
  • DVF-1979 — Solved issues with PDF export function.
  • DVF-1994 — Fixed bug with Lat/Long in Bubble Maps and Complex GeoData objects.
Longitude/Latitude support} | Robust JavaScript/HTML5 charts | AnyChart
Longitude/Latitude support
We have added an option to set coordinates (specify a location) of Bubbles in Bubble series in longitude and latitude degrees. New methods have been added to the API: the allow to convert mouse coordinates to longitude and latitude ( transform) and vice versa ( inverseTransform).
Move/Zoom API} | Robust JavaScript/HTML5 charts | AnyChart
Move/Zoom API
Now there is a possibility to change the scale and move a map. An API for creating a custom UI (buttons, scrolls, etc.) has been added.
Rich Integration of Keyboard and Mouse Controls} | Robust JavaScript/HTML5 charts | AnyChart
Rich Integration of Keyboard and Mouse Controls
Mouse integration
  • Mouse Wheel — Zoom a map
  • Mouse Drag — Move a map (works only when the map is zoomed)
Keyboard integration
  • Cmd/Ctrl + — Zoom in
  • Cmd/Ctrl — - Zoom out
  • Cmd/Ctrl 0 — Actual size
  • Arrow up — Move up
  • Arrow down — Move down
  • Arrow left — Move left
  • Arrow right — Move right

Map collection improvement:

We have added unique projections for more than 220 maps, which has significantly improved their appearance.

Bug fixes:

  • DVF-1757 — Fixed an issue with artifacts when the values in ColorRange was changing dynamically.
  • DVF-1844 — Fixed an issue with the pointSelect event.


Bubble/Proportion Maps} | Robust JavaScript/HTML5 charts | AnyChart
Bubble/Proportion Maps
Bubble/Proportion Chart series for Maps.
Maps Collection} | Robust JavaScript/HTML5 charts | AnyChart
Maps Collection
More than 200 maps added into the maps collection.
Choropleth Maps} | Robust JavaScript/HTML5 charts | AnyChart
Choropleth Maps
Choropleth Map is a thematic map in which areas are shaded or patterned in proportion to the measurement of the statistical variable being displayed on the map, such as population density or per-capita income.
The choropleth maps provide the easy way to visualize how a measurement varies across a geographic area or it shows the level of variability within a region.
Interactivity} | Robust JavaScript/HTML5 charts | AnyChart
Set labels, fill, stroke and tooltips for the highlighted, selected or multi-selected (press and hold cmd/ctrl/shift) regions.
Ordinal Color Range} | Robust JavaScript/HTML5 charts | AnyChart
Ordinal Color Range
Ordinal Color Range looks like a number of boxes with different colors. Colors of these boxes depend on the palette chosen according to the type of map and its data.
Quantitative Color Range} | Robust JavaScript/HTML5 charts | AnyChart
Quantitative Color Range
Quantitative Color Range looks like a single bar colored with a gradient, where its colors depend on a chosen palette.
Full Compatibility with other Charts} | Robust JavaScript/HTML5 charts | AnyChart
Full Compatibility with other Charts
If you need to show any extra information along with a map — no problem! Use Maps with any other of our Chart types. Use stage for positioning and working with layers, reuse datasets and more.