Combined Charts are good at demonstrating several related value changing in time or in dependency of some common variable. These charts often use several axes to allow the series to demonstrate values in different scales (e.g. in integer and percent).
This Chart has 3 series of different types: Range-Spline Area, Spline and a Marker series. It demonstrates combining several different series together. The Range-Spline Area can demonstrate a continuously changing range of some preferrable values, a Spline series can show a parameter of one value changing in time (or in dependency of the X-Axis value) and the Marker series can demonstrate a discrete parameter also continuously changing. All series' tooltips display the X and Y values as it is managed by default. The X-Axis minimum value is 1 and maximum is 75, and the Y-Axis value range lays between -3 and 7. The X-Axis ticks interval takes 5 points.