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AnyChart - JS charts

Interactive JavaScript charts designed to be embedded and integrated into web, desktop, and mobile apps

AnyStock - JS stock charts

Visualize and analyze financial or any timeline-based data

AnyMap - HTML5 maps

Add interactive map charts with drilldown and routes

AnyGantt - JS Gantt charts

Powerful HTML5 Gantt, Resource and PERT charts

AnyСhart Extension for Qlik

Enhance the Qlik Platform with the power of AnyChart

What's new
Robust JavaScript/HTML5 charts | AnyChart AnyChart — 2024 DEVIES Award Winner! Named Best Technology in Data Analytics & Visualization!

Current and Future Leaders trust us

More than 75% of the Fortune 500 companies and thousands of startups are happy with AnyChart

AnyChart's product family is a set of flexible JavaScript (HTML5) libraries for all your data visualization needs. Differentiate your products, applications and web pages with beautiful charts and dashboards.

Laptop with AnyChart charts
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AnyChart Success Stories

Please take a look at selected case-studies, where individuals and companies from various industries share their experience and tell how they have succeeded in solving their development and business tasks using AnyChart products.

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